Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Dressing Your Truth by Carol Tuttle

I just hosted my book club for this book last month. I was very interested in it after Caitlin mentioned they had read it in her book club.

The opening is all about laying the foundation for her profiling system. She emphasizes that each type of energy is beautiful and everyone has all types in them.

The meat of the book is detailing qualities, challenges, examples of the four energy types. It was fun to read and highlight the parts that were true to me. I immediately profiled myself a type 2. I highlighted almost the whole chapter.

The end is all about how to purchase her online product and why you should spend so much money on yourself because you are worth it, etc. I skimmed most of it.

Our discussion was fun and we had mostly types 3's and 4's with me the only 2 and another girl maybe a type 1. I made cookies to match each type (type 1 of me, or maybe type 2 for the attention to detail). Funfetti cake cookies for Type 1, Almond Poppyseed for type 2, Dark chocolate orange for type 3, and shortbread half dipped in dark chocolate for type 4.

This book is intriguing because I like to profile myself and be a part of a group. As I was reading the Type 1 section I thought, "This is me! I am optimistic, like to make things fun, etc". Then I started reading Type 2 and thought, yep this is me. I struggled through type 3 as it was nothing like me at all, and possibly Logan. Then I ready Type 4 and thought, "This is me! No wait, this is more Logan". So I figured I was a type 2 with a small type 1. And Logan was a type 4/3. Lovely, I hope they get along as well as we do. But then I looked at the clothing she suggests and I was way bummed. Type 2 should wear flowing and gray undertones. Boring! I love my bright yellow shirt and my white and dark color striped shirts! I wished I was a 4. So I reread 4 and thought ya, I am quiet and I LOVE rules, and I like to be alone sometimes. So maybe I am a 2, 1, and 4. Logan said it was all baloney (so type 4) and detailed to me how it was so. He did say that I look best in natural and neutral colors (boo). So, I think I will wear whatever makes me feel happy. I definitely won't wear any type 3 stuff because I don't feel comfortable in it.

The book was fun to read and gave great topics to discuss. Read it and tell me what type you think you are! I have my suspicions for all of you, but she says in the book "Only YOU can type yourself!"

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